The City of Dying: The Fallen Kingdom is a fictional novel about a looming civil war that threatens humanity, previously decimated by an ancient war. Rebel factions and secret organizations fight to seize control of the ailing kingdom while the illegitimate king hides in fear for his life.


A mercenary, with mysterious powers, must help the young reluctant prince discover his inner strength to accept his father’s responsibilities as the true king while trying to discover the truth about her own past. Together they unite him with the lost Ancestral Birthright, who has shunned society, to protect the kingdom from the prophesized end of civilization.


However, the prophecy proclaims that the Sons of Sedi’an will consume the kingdom and possess the Ancestral Birthright for themselves. Nehemiah a half-breed Sedi’an threatens to resurrect his direct descendant Dominadus to fulfill the prophecy including the ancient war



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